Saturday, March 16, 2024


                          I am loathe to title this Effort    "The Abandonment of Ukraine" .    I know something of 'Abandonment' .   I asked my Therapist about it ---  there was a pause --- he resigned, "Some people never recover ."

            Here's some Truth, according to the Book of Stephen :   NATO could Rescue Ukraine in a 'moment's notice' .   The Question is and always has been, "Will putin deploy and utilize Nuclear Weapons?"   It's a Question-of-the-Ages .   I say, NO FUCKING WAY --- putin has too much to lose .  BUT  .................................. .

            Victory for Ukraine is IMPOSSIBLE .   Putin has 10 to TWENTY times the manpower and he has access to China, Iran and North Korea who remain steadfastly INSANE with regard to their own Imperialist Hegemony .  

            Elsewhere I have argued that putin OWNS the E.U. which is dependent upon RUSSIAN FUELS for Home Heating and Industry Operation .   NATO >>>  CANNOT  <<< "step in" to defeat putin UNLESS the goal is to INVADE Russia and Plunder ITS Energy Reservoirs .   Think THAT will happen ?

            But 'This' aint about THAT .


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