Saturday, March 30, 2024


                             I am of the Conviction that the Resurrection is THE "Ultimate" Teaching of those that Believe in Christ .   Buddhism is based, in part, on Reincarnation-- that, Existence is Life after Life until Perfection is attained and one is 'removed' from The Cycle of Life, Death, and Life, the Existence within Samsara .   

              We have learned that the Ancients and the VERY Ancients feared Death, that they wanted a less disastrous outcome than Ultimate Finality--and that the Teaching of Jesus GUARANTEED an ETERNAL Life of  God-nearingful* Bliss --- Given, of course, that one's Life had been DEVOTED to Jesus and God, The Father .   

              Buddhism affords FAR-MORE 'latitude' than "One and Done" and Mystically offers "Samsara IS Nirvana and, Nirvana IS Samsara",  and  in so  doing  "allows"  for   Life-Altering   and   Life Defining Mistakes .   Recall that Jesus ` Zenned-out* "The Kingdom of Heaven is all-around You."  {{{IFF you can see it.}}}



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