Saturday, March 30, 2024

"Ya CAN fix stupid"

                             I will leave you folks with just one more .    "Love  thy  neighbor  {enemies}  as  thyself"  is  the  Socio-Ideal-Logical*  Teaching  that  supplants  the  Entirety  of  the  10  Commandments .  

              This Contention is derived from Jesus's Final Sorrow-Laden Exhaustion :  "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do ."   

              I KNOW this is  GIANT  Leap of   Existential Exigency but I MUST insist that it is Logically Viable .   

               I'm figurin' The Father sent His Only-Begotten to rectify the defilements that the 10 Commandments wrought .   

               Consider ........... .

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