Thursday, March 28, 2024

Dead Heat

                              It's gonna-be up to the Mil .   Will It defend Democracy and disqualify trump ?   Will IT 'stand up' for Democracy and REJECT trump's [pre-ordained] dictatorship ?    2 words :  Remember what's-his-name Flynn !!!

            Every-time I hear Joe declare that he has Faith in the American Electorate I cringe --- the first thought is this :  LOSER .    Didn't the Electoral College elect trump in the first place ???    

            When the Future 'arrived' it "laid waste" to the Minds, Hearts and Souls of MILLIONS .   American Life ENDED as we knew it .   GONE was fucking EVERYTHING [ . ]    

            "IT" cannot be considered a "Wonder" that Good, Honest,, and Decent Folks were driven MAD by the abject FAILURE of American Govern-Mental-Ship to ward off DISASTER It should have fore-casted that resulted from company and corporation migration .   Instead nothing but Pure and Unadulterated ABANDONMENT .   

            The "Breadbasket" became the DREAD-basket --- nothing but Industry GRAVEYARDS and Tombstone Territories --- now haunted by Dead Souls--- where the Wails of  the Forgotten can be heard as "FUCK THOSE MIGRANTS WHAT ABOUT ME ???? !!!!!" 

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