Friday, March 15, 2024

Miss Intent

                              In the BEST-POSSIBLE Sense, you WANNA   'get to'   "Doighty-doighty" .

                              In the WORST-POSSIBLE Sense you wanna   AVOID   'getting to'   "Doighty-                                                doighty".

            Irreconcilable Opposites {?} --- or the Truth of  composite Actuality ????

            So---------------wtf  IS  "Doighty-doighty" ???????????????????

             I beg you to ill-consider that "Doighty-doighty" is none-other than Buddhist "Emptiness" .   But know this , if you want, as I do, to "experience the Fullness of Life until your NATURAL End" as Chuang Tsu has addressed, than 'getting to' Emptiness is where the "All" is "At" .    It may well be that this street fool is a Zen Master in Cloak .   2 words =  Oh my, oh my, oh my .

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