Sunday, March 10, 2024

Obsidian Obscurity

                             I had a great 'first sentence' but she got up out of Chairy-Chair's lap and went upstairs .   Now I'm left with Vague, Blur and Obsidian Obscurity .   You wanna figure well FUCK isn't THAT a great 1st sentence ???    Uhhhh .

            There are these crazy mental vortices {this spelling is correct} {also vortexes} that trap an unsuspecting ConsciousNess* because of its inattentiveness and worst, Innocence .   It's like looking at a tornado swirling with debris, you can see individual items secured by brute C-Force, but you don't DARE approach since you may be sucked into the Vortex where SURELY no 'good' can `come about` .   I am FASCINATED by these items and their Suspension  due to Centrifugal Force, as if C-Force is even MORE Powerful that G-Force .   It MUST-BE rite ???

            There are daze when my tiny monkey brain is as VAST as Oklahoma wherein the State's Landfill Site is located .   Each item a singular Piece and EXPRESSION of my Mind and ITS cluster/jungle-fuck of Issues, Topics, Considerations, and Teachings .    

             From Lao Tzu =  "I stare as if stupid".      2 words ::   Yup .

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