Wednesday, March 20, 2024

DON'T Rushmore, rush less .

                             I'm a Fuck-uP with Issues ,, how am I even walking around ?

            There's shit THAT-MUST-BE-DONE and shit I GOTTA do,,, and then there's the shit I would LOVE to do {"I don't-wanna work, I want bang on the drum all day"} , and the shit that's just gonna STAY Shit .   Is "Perpetual Recess" mere MYTH ????   

            I gotta move a thousand pound Stone, it's a 'stone' because it will NEVER have even the slightest chance of being able to 'rock'---where as a Rock IS able to rock when pressure is applied, of course .   It's in my way .   I have to fell a small Maple and I can't get the saw where it needs to be, so ---- .   There are no openings for the floor jack, no openings for ANY Jack so it must be choked and skidded .  Here, the FULL THOUSAND is 'felt' at the Puller, every 'row' needs BYG-TYME Effort .......... oh well ... .

           I measure the rock using yard sticks, that's how large it is , and it will require 5/8ths chain - this chain ain't lite-- even in a bucket I gotta use the hand-truck to move it ... .   You can see the Problem =  the area must be free of debris to make it EZ for the hand-truck [ 2-wheeler ] .   Remember Mt. Rushmore ??


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