Tuesday, September 24, 2019


I looked and looked HARD at my Academics---in a crackheadfucktrillion EONS there was NO Evidence for ANY "Success" whatsoever.  I swam my way into U.Conn, that's the pattern that revealed "futurism".  As far as  The Written Word "went" there was NO "pattern" for Literary Development---the exact OPPOSITE was the case, like, to be sure.  I couldn't write in HS and boy did I suffer in College.  Still I chose to be an English Major bc THAT was The Most Difficult Thing For Me.   My Mom was a functional Illiterate, I'm CERTAIN I chose Literature to compensate for her less-than-6th-grade education. 

I must leave this here, a GREAT Distance from my final thoughts, for that I apologize.

More tomorrow, promise.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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