Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sore Horse

I began giving Master Fortin an I.Q. of 120, then it went to 147, as recently as "just now" I awarded him 155~~ but ya' know what ?  Why stop there ?   I may as well tell all of you that Marc's I.Q aint  just "around" 200,  I may as well resign all of us to his I.Q. which may be "off" the Scale.  Now I do that to protect myself.  I have my high school records >>  I was tested twice, one result was 112,, the other,,, 114.  The Guidance Counselor answered the question  "Potential for success ?" with "average".  This is the same Guidance Counselor who flat out scoffed when I confessed I wanted to go to Brandeis University and take up Engineering---more scoff   "You mean Civil Engineering ?"   I said nothing and couldn't wait to get the fuck out of his shit -hole office---  but his rat shit is for another day .  Where was I ? ...

Some of you may know that a few weeks ago Marc asked me to co-author his book, A Workbook of Kwan Um Do Kwang.   He said I could add my Sword understanding, that of several decades, so I agreed.   I had already helped him with his book of Poetry titled Ice Bat, if he gave me all his notes, as he had with Ice Bat, how hard could it be ?

Here's another,   How fast can a saw horse run ?

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