Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Ex-Centric

There's this "thing" where you receive a box of kittens, you don't know if they are dead or alive and that's the "thing"--- at this Physics/Supernatural Juncture they are both dead and alive at the exact same time.  How wonderful is THAT ?  Same with my colored lightbulbs~~~  they are both "live" and "dead" until, that is, I test them.  I hold their FATE in my geriatrically challenged fingers, and a floor lamp I was gonna cannibal-eyes but now can serve as a NASA Platform to conduct Electricity into the Realm of the Unknown, in this instance, my colored light-bulbs of which number 6.

I'm excited, not just because I CAN test them, but THAT, the Testing, may be my Life's Work, at least at this geriatrically stupefied Intersection of Fate meets Reality.

I don't even know what I'm gonna DO with these fucking things, even if they DO work.  It ain't as if I can hold a "Block Party" on my Street, how many would attend ? "Hey I found these colored light bulbs, of which number 6, and I invite you guys over to TEST them ! " 

Even I can see that as problematical at best, at worst, an immediate Call to 911.  "Hello, Police ?  Yeah we got an Ex-centric on the loose and he's threatening us with a NASA Style / Tesla Electrical Discharge.  Can you arrest him and give him a full body cavity check while he's naked ?"

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