Saturday, September 28, 2019

..."from the temple steps"...

The year I spent at the Temple and the Teaching I received from Zen Sword Master Chang Sik Kim was astounding.  The Teaching and the training was practiced not just from day to day but from moment to moment.  It is impossible to relate, fully, the experiences  that strengthened my character and deepened my spirituality.  At this point in my live I was completely devoted to my Master and The Way.  Temple life was practiced in the traditional manner.  In the morning we bowed, chanted, sat Zen and had Sword class.  Work in the real world lasted from eight to ten hours, then more bowing, chanting, sitting, and the evening Sword class.  Of course we were assigned Temple tasks to be performed around our other responsibilities.

I was dismissed from the Temple halfway through 2nd Dan and finished that Course, once again as Jacob's student.  Third Dan was given by the Master himself.

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