Friday, September 20, 2019

...winging the stinging...

Pig pen hooved down the mountain-side trail, miffed and peeved at Ice Bat's frivolity of faulty frailty, reminding himself of Ice Bat's Charm Offensive which was, in deed, HIGHLY Offensive.  But he had resigned himself the favor of furor, and he luxuriated in his ability to resist Ice Bat's plagiarizing persiflage. 

When Ice Bat returned to his cave he was appalled at Pig Pen's abject abandonment of The Guano Project.. He called to his minions, and when they arrived Ice Bat defecated,
"Look at all this SHIT.  That Pig Pen is nothing More than a FRAUD,  he promised to clean all this shit so I could sell it and he has done NOTHING !"  The minions nodded in dour caprice.  "He is NOT a good pig.  He knows Nothing and has done Nothing."

Ice Bat confronted Pig Pen.  "WHY didn't you finish ?  All you've done is NOTHING."

Pig Pen smiled, "When Nothing is done, nothing is left UN-done."

Ice Bat's mind froze in its tracks.  Away he flew, winging the stinging.

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