Saturday, September 14, 2019

"I'm Great, you're Not PAY ME ! "

Here's what I feel like ryting, and allow me to quote myself, "Marc, send me $25, 000," (the Social Security MAX that a citizen can receive, according to Dave Gallogly, who sent me a text just to UPdate me), "and I will NOT Write a Book about you and your Life and title it , All About Marc."  I know, I know, this rings of Groucho & Chico Marx getting into it over the cost of hiring Chico's Band to play.

Groucho :  "Well how much will it cost me for you guys NOT to play ?"
Chico : ---You couldn't afford it---

It's like that, without the stench of Cosmic Extortion.

I just want the make-believe, REGULAR Extortion.

Naturally Marc want's no part of ANY Extortion yet still wants me to write about HIM but WITHOUT using any details ABOUT him.

So now, here come the squander-laden colored light-bulbs of which number 6.

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