Friday, September 20, 2019

Syllogism Affrontery

Now Ice Bat didn't exactly AGONIZE over visiting Pig Pen and asking him to aid in the discharge and removal of what Ice Bat considered marketable liquidity.  "Pig Pen is NOT as smart as I", Ice Bat evinced, "so I will be able to persuade him to assist me, and have HIM do all the work, that's how smart I AM."  Content with this personal effluvium, Ice Bat winged his way to the Lower Realm of Street and Gutter where Pig Pen resided in Syllogism Affrontery. 

Pig Pen once snorted, "If Life ain't all Suffering, then what is it ?"

Ice Bat's answer reflected Ice Bat's surroundings,  for CLEARLY, Life was "All About Bat Guano".  Indeed THAT was the title of Ice Bat's next literary project, "All About Guano."  Ice Bat secreted, "No one will know it's all about MEEEE, for I AM Ice Bat Guano."

Ice Bat landed and upon Pig Pen's Perch.  They greeted one another warily DESPITE years and years, eons upon EONS, of Lives Everlasting. 

"Hey", Ice Bat contended, "Hey",, Pig Pen contexted, and then he quirked, "How you hangin' ?"  Ice Bat blinded, "Why upside down, of course."

Pig Pen bristled.....

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