Saturday, September 28, 2019

Personal convictions regarding my potential as an educator.

Confucius said, "At fifteen I set my heart on learning; at thirty I took my stand."  I am now thirty-three and I am ready to take my stand.  there are five books which form the foundation of my life.  these are : The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu; The Inner Chapters of Chuang Tsu; The I Ching; The Analects of Confucius; and The Art of War by Sun Tzu.  Within these ancient texts are the ways and means of my day to day existence.   All are in complete harmony with my declared "religion" and the Dharma of Zen Master Seung Sahn.

What I have to offer my potential students is the essence of these classics, all my studies, and my martial arts training.  Simply stated, I can help them discover themselves and in so doing unleash the forces both mental and physical, that are needed to succeed in high school, college and the working world.  The nature of these forces is two-fold:  to see clearly, to acquire discipline.  All functions of existence are derived from these two exactitudes.  To see clearly means to (already) understand what has to be done.  to acquire discipline means to be able to find the necessary strength to perform the tasks at hand.  Only this.

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