After an exhausting climb Pig Pen reached Ice Bat's dwelling. He looked at all the shit and choked, "You MUST be joking". Ice Bat smiled, "This is pure GOLD". Pig Pen knew what shit smelled like and had nosed Gold. "If you say so", Pig Pen wheezed.
"You get started, I'll be rite back" and with that Ice Bat evaporated into the distance.
It was super s---l---o---w going for Pig Pen. Years and years of rooting had lessened Pig Pen's ability for brute and savage Strength, yet he persisted with BIG Pig Stubborn-ness, the Evolutionary Magnitude of Insistence-Born-Of-Creative-Resolve, residing in Ice Bat's Promise of Co-Equal Resolution.
Hours turned into Daze.
When Ice Bat returned Pig Pen confronted him, "I thought you were going to help", Pig Pen challenged. Ice Bat was nonplussed, "I am" he responded. "Exactly HOW ?". Pig Pen demanded. "By doing Nothing" was Ice Bat's counter. "You're gonna help me by doing Nothing ? " Pig Pen gasped . "Yes. For it is written, 'When Nothing is done, Nothing is left UN-done'."
Pig Pen knew this quote. It was like a club. Pig Pen wanted to hit Ice Bat with another, even BIGGER, club, but he could only manage, "I've got a mind to join your club and beat you over the head with it."
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