Saturday, September 28, 2019

"Evaluate your personal development"

My personal development is the direct result of contact with superior individuals.  The first of theses was Ellis Meyers, my high school swimming coach.  It was Coach Meyers who first put the bit of discipline between my teeth.  This quiet, unassuming gentleman possessed the qualities that commanded your respect, loyalty, and complete devotion.  He never yelled or screamed.  He never berated or humiliated.  He had the unique ability to penetrate to the core of any problem and in so doing reveal the correct course of action.   He taught us the ability to look inside our minds and hearts to find the great courage and strength to perform the grueling tasks the sport demanded.  The discipline I acquired as a result of Coach Meyers' training became and remains the foundation  that supports all other physical, mental and spiritual aspects of my life.

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