Thursday, September 19, 2019

This Bud's for you....

I could rite a book on "Not Being Able To Write A Book".   ...You Kidz see the problem ? 

Marc Fortin and David Gallogly afford me the Opportunity to Mythologize their lives Joseph Campbell Style.  In so doing I can offer THEM as Cultural Paradigm since they have lived their lives in EPIC Grandiosity, although BOTH would vehemently DENY such hyperbolic refraction.  Know what ?   I REALLY don't give a fuck. 

Sometimes, I mean, most days, just getting out of bed and heading to the toilet is nothing less than a HEROIC Struggle.  Our Society, Culture and Civilization has turned to DEAD Heroes, as if the Worship of THEM will somehow actualize Revolution and/or Reformation.  I'm spit-fully uncertain that Hero-Worship accomplishes ANYTHING save doldrums evaporation and even then there is a residual after-effect of seething self-inferiority.  I know something of THAT.

Contemporary Hero-Stewardship, looking around and recognizing your Buds as Heroes, is where I'm intent on taking you Kidz. 

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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