Saturday, September 28, 2019

end of convictions

But how can a teacher aid in the development of this near-spiritual awareness ?  The teacher must love the educational process ("the excitement in learning") and must be able to relate to each student on every level and in every dimension.  These two capabilities are within my possession.

I have worked hard to develop myself in areas that the majority of society leaves untouched.  I have worked beside carpenters, stone masons, welders, mechanics, truck drivers, office managers, book salesmen, farmers, realtors, and pick and shovel laborers.  At one time or another I have competed in every sport available to the American athlete.  I have been a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor since I was 18 and have taught hundreds of individuals how to swim.  In the past four years a swim coach I have had twenty-four State Champions.  I have brought two women to the rank of First Dan Black Belt.

What I am seeking to do is to bring my inner being into a harmonious relationship with my outer existence and in so doing attain a correct livelihood.  One this unification process is completed I know I will be able to guide others on their own path toward self-fulfillment.

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