Wednesday, September 25, 2019

..."For me it's all and nothing", is it all and nothing for you ?"...

Mister Gry Nmnn  injected, "Jung stated the Unconscious was knowable."

Me >> In my not-so-humble opinion Jung constantly "operated" from the "experience" of the Unconscious.  It just isn't that way.  There is no Unconscious and Conscious, these two are the same but are "viewed" as "different".  I argue for the oneness of "self" but this too is subject to suspicion because the Buddha insisted "There is no Soul, no Atman".  Yet CLEARLY there must be something that recognizes that there IS nothing.  For me it's BOTH at the exact same time. the end, what we see and perceive around us IS the Absolute and Supreme.

An example follows.

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