Back in my 'Day', Mad Magazine did a page titled "Train to Altoona". There's a guy in a business suit, who sees sign after sign that reads, "Train to Altoona" with the appropriate ARROW as signal-indicator, I mean, there were HUNDREDS if not 1,000s of Signs. BUT when he gets to the Conductor who is standing at the Access, he asks, "Does this train go to Altoona ?"
I DIDN'T want to but I HAD-TA laugh.
DESPITE what he'd read, like a MILLION-ZILLION TIMES, with his own tw o eyes, no less,, he was STILL UN-Certain,,,, he just HAD-TA 'make sure'. One Word > Human Nature. You just gotta figure his 'World View' DEMANDED he NOT 'Trust' his Surroundings nor Himself for that matter. That's just 'how it goes'.
We read all the Signs that trump wuz a RACIST NEO-NAZI GENOCIDE-LOVING KILLER. I mean, there were a MILLION-ZILLION. Thing is We didn't Believe. Shit, how could we. How in Gaud's fucking name could AMERICA produce a Hitler Born Again Psychopath ?
Impossible Rite ?
Impossible RONG !
"ALL ABOOOOOARD" !!!!!!!!!!