Saturday, January 30, 2021

"Does this train go to Altoona ?"

 Back in my 'Day', Mad Magazine did a page titled "Train to Altoona".   There's a guy in a business suit, who sees sign after sign that reads, "Train to Altoona" with the appropriate ARROW as signal-indicator, I mean, there were HUNDREDS if not 1,000s of Signs.  BUT when he gets to the Conductor who is standing at the Access, he asks, "Does this train go to Altoona ?"  

I DIDN'T want to but I HAD-TA laugh.

DESPITE what he'd read, like a MILLION-ZILLION TIMES, with his own tw o eyes, no less,,  he was STILL  UN-Certain,,,, he just HAD-TA 'make sure'.  One Word >  Human Nature.  You just gotta figure his 'World View' DEMANDED he NOT 'Trust' his Surroundings nor Himself for that matter.  That's just 'how it goes'.

We read all the Signs that trump wuz a RACIST NEO-NAZI GENOCIDE-LOVING KILLER.  I mean, there were a MILLION-ZILLION.  Thing is We didn't Believe.  Shit, how could we.  How in Gaud's fucking name could AMERICA produce   a Hitler  Born Again   Psychopath ?  

Impossible Rite ?

Impossible RONG !

"ALL ABOOOOOARD" !!!!!!!!!!

All for None, None for ALL

 If trump is Gaud, then, according to the Transitive Principle, "The love of" trump IZ  "the Root of ALL Evil".  We MUST supplement That with, "and so too HALF A NATION".  Half the Nation iz Evil ?!?!?   That That is a "Tough Sell".  I'm 'goin' for It.

The Election of trump RECOGNIZED HIM as the Face, Mind and Heart of an ENTIRE Country >>>so it is with Biden.  Therefore,,  America is an AGED Dinosaur on its Last Legs with only Hope and Confidence as its Driving Force and Remembrances of Yester-Years' Halcyon Daze as Motivation for STULTIFIED Advancement.  Let me level with you, let's call a spade a spade,, an old man an Old Man,,, and a Defeated Democracy a DEFEATED DEMOCRACY.  

Say what you will of Fancy Nancy [and I have] her RECOGNITION that "The Enemy Is WITHIN" is Earth-SHATTERINGLY Profound.  Some You may recall my Snide that Putin was IN the WH and that Putinism had been ESTABLISHED as Presidential Ideology.  The 147 Putinist GOONS and the Fifty Stalinist Satanists have TAKEN OVER Both Chambers >> Lady Democracy naked and writhing on the Floor, Gang Raped by Neo-Nazis and White Supremacist ANIMALS who WORSHIP trump.

The Fall of the American Union was Televised.

God is the Root of ALL Evil

 Inn the Same Way that SOMEHOW Capitalism 'became' a Religion, designated as Capitalistic Materialism so it is with trumpism and ITS transmogrification into a RELIGION.  Elsewhere I made the Case whereby >Because PROFIT 'Ruled'> Profit was WORSHIPED.  SOMEHOW Prosperity and WEALTH 'became' hall and bench marks of God's AFFIRMATION,  DIVINE Endowment Resulting ::  meaning, IF you had Money and 'did well', THEN this was PROOF not only of Social VALUE but of Social STATUS.  God smiled upon you whether or not you EARNED that Wealth OR if 'it' was at the Cost of OTHERS' Misery and Suffering.  In THIS Case, Gaud is a Business PRICK Whose ONLY Orientation is "Bottom Line" Profitability.  

In the Case of our own Currency, upon which is written "In God We Trust" God, at this Level IZ Money !

Loving Money IZ LOVING GOD.

The more Money you have is an Indicatior of HOW MUCH you Love God.

Here it is as BILLBOARD ::  Since "The Love of Money is the Root of ALL Evil"  then


In Gaud We Trust

 When trump got elected I warned you Kidz that He would Re-Create America 'in His own Image'.  I wanted to imply that trump considered Himself SAVIOR, and further, that He was just like the Genesis God when God Created Adam and Eve in HIS Image.  'Creation' is perhaps a mis-representation---but I was skeptical that 'Trump REMOVED the Cloak of Primal Instinctuality' would be serviceable as a Sensory-based Political Observation.  Plus, it didn't 'read' well.  

Identifying trump as [mere] Cult Leader has proven to be Egregious in its short-sighted-ness.  In Ancient America the Line of Spiritual Demarcation was BRILLIANTLY Stark, one was either a GOD-FEARING Man or one was HEATHEN SCUM.  So it is NOW as the Stench of Religious Fanaticism REEKS of POLITICAL Corruption BECAUSE  the FEAR OF TRUMP AS GOD,  Pervades BOTH Congressional Chambers of HORROR.  

Politicians FEAR trump As If and As Though he is a GOD.  Thing is HE IS A GOD given that he controls the LIVES of MANY 'individuals' who represent THE WILL AND DESIRES OF HALF A NATION.  Folks BELIEVE in trump.  No 'Logic' can be identified as Rational at this ALMIGHTY Juncture, nor SHOULD it Exist. Folks RECOGNIZED themselves IN trump.  Impeaching trump is to Impeach HALF A NATION and by Impeach I mean 'making' HALF A NATION Criminally Insane.

It ain't gonna happen.

The Mock in DemoKKKracy

 Last night I heard Ms. Joy Reid voice MY view that the Civil War NEVER 'Ended', [that] the South NEVER Surrendered in a Consciousness Resolution that ADMITTED Defeat and with that the Psychological Transformation of  >>Responsibility to ADAPT oneself to the Realm of NECESSARY Change << .  There was NEVER a Recognition that Slavery was IMMORAL, that treating other Humans as ANIMALS, as Beasts of Burdens, was Blaspheme-ic SAVAGERY to the Human [Civilized] Social Order.  Indeed, one Respected Pundit candidly REBUKED Those that DID consider the Civil War to be a Victory for National Anti-Slavery [Democratic] Forces.  There is UNREMITTING Persistence on the part of ALL Southern Neo-Confederates that THEIR 'Nation" is one of Consummate WHITE Superiority, that, BECAUSE they are WHITE, it is THEY who should DOMINATE the Existences of ALL OTHER COLORS and Those of an Intellectual  Refinement that Define THEIR Existence with ALL COLOR INCLUSIVENESS.  Here it is where POLITICAL Equality is the ESSENCE of a Civilization that locates Evolution as Compassion Responsive and therefore "Oneness" Driven.    

I expressed this View quite awhile ago, only because I was fully exasperated by the lack of Insight on the part of Folks who get paid to be Insightful.  The fact that I was first to express what I consider to be OBVIOUS SHIT was of little solace.  I mean, so what ?

Friday, January 29, 2021

The Reconstruction WILL-BE Televised

 MILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of BILLIONS of jobs are within IMMEDIATE almost INTIMATE Reach.  Bridges, Dams, Dikes, Sea-Walls, Catch Basins and my personal Fav CANALS  >>>  MUST BE Repaired, Refurbished,, Replaced,,, AND Existing Transportation and Delivery Systems MUST BE Modernized with regard to Climactic >> INTRUSIONS and VIOLATIONS << in Mind.  Here it is where,

                                 "A Penny of Prevention is worth TEN TRILLION in Cure".

I LOVE quoting myself.

It's all DIRECTLY In Front of Us.  But JoeQ is "Stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime".  

Listen Kidz >   The Reconstruction IZZZZZ the Revolution.  Believe It.

Rock Steady........ Steady as She goes....

"Be HERE >>> NOW"

 Joe wheezes, "jobs, jobs,, jobs,,," as though the recitation of the word has within it the MAGIC Power of MANTRA Incantation.  Just 'mantra-ing' 'jobs' will NOT produce jobs nor will it Generate RELIEF.  I find his delivery of The Promise of Future Jobs to be wholly Don Quixote-ICK :: meaning OF COURSE there will be jobs in the Future but We ain't IN the fucking Future,,,,, We are HERE NOW >>>>  MILLIONS of Workers who need jobs NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is so disastrously dystopian in Don Joe's Quixotic Dream is the Real Reality >> that there are MILLIONS of Jobs HERE and NOW .  Covid has GUARANTEED the VITAL Necessity of School and Industry HVAC MODERNIZATION.  Don Joe Q seems to be IGNORING this  REALITY to reside if not LUXURIATE in a laudalum induced Realm of Industrio-Political Futuristic Phantasmagoria .  The JoeQ's on us.

Trying to sail uP Shit Creek

 I'm NOT gonna forgive Joe for being Old----I just wrote that Old Age is UN-Forgivable.  I find his Opiate-In-The-Sky Vision of America's Future to be nothing more than meritorious PROPAGANDA, and as such, Violently INJURIOUS to a Nation STARVING for FOOD, TRUTH,, and JUSTICE.   Joe DREAMS of a Socialism cloaked by Democratic Morals and Mores, within which Factories are built by GOVERNMENT Funding and Operationally Managed by a Democratic and Noble >> Proletariat Guard -- a UNION -- itself Cloaked by the Words and Titles that only Sophistry and Rhetorical Persiflage can imbue.   Joe figures he can sail up shit Creek.  


 It's E-Z to beat on Joe.  I like the guy but he's even 'MORE Older' than I.  I KNOW how weak and frail I am, Old Age is MERCILESS, Unrelenting and Inexorable and, as if it can't get any worse, UNFORGIVING,,,, THAT'S why I can and DO beat on Joe, he's just Another Me.  

Joe PROMISED he'd always speak the truth, a phrase he accents with, "Be on the Level", which may or may NOT mean, "To see eye to eye", which itself MAY mean, "To be on the same page", rather to READ the Same Page, especially if that Page is actually a Document such as the Declaration Of Independence.  Joe is an ANCIENT, bound to the Laws of Agrarian Diplomacy and Farm Land [Great Depression] DUST. His World was HIPPIE Foundation, meaning, the Status Quo, iconographically depicted as "The System" and in Street and Gutter Jargon >> The MAN <<.  In HIS 'Modern Times' the Intellectual Avant-Garde were beginning to QUESTION  The Military/Industrial Complex as described by President Eisenhower in such a Way that INVITED Revolutionary Thinking.  Here IT began, The Inevitable REVOLUTIONARY Generational Response to the Viet-Nam War, considered MORALLY NECESSARY by JFK and his.  His War Veteran Ideology DEMANDED an almost INSANE Insistence to STOP the Spread of Communism by Any and All Means possible.  

If HE fought to Defend Democracy then SO SHOULD WE.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Elly and The Will Of the Elephant Gods

 What I DIDN'T want to Believe, is that the GIANT ROSE-QUARTZ CRYSTAL was pitched forward and what prevented it from rolling onto the concrete Patio was the ROCK I wanted to re-position.  Let me say, the TOP of the ROCK is as HIGH an "elephant's thigh".  THAT'S one of the Reasons the Four Inch DOOMSDAY EDGE acted like a TUNGSTENSTEELWELD.  

Initially, all I had to do was dig out my Antique Plump Line so that I could determine the Center of Gravity for Elephant MOUNTAIN.  Well, I DIDN'T.  I DIDN'T want to get ANY bad news.  What I DID Do was find MY Center of DEPRAVITY.  We all KNOW what  THAT  IZ  !!

I knew what HAD-TA be done.  I HAD-TA dig out the rear of Elly so that her PHAT PHUCKING ASS could nestle in a crater cradle.  2 words >>    Oh my aching fucking ASS !!!!

OBVIOUSLY there's nothing to do but DO IT.  It WON'T be the First Time I've been 'brought to my knees' by a Task of  Will Abandonment.  I HAD TO Submit to the Will of the Elephant Gods, Her HY-NESS Elly among Them.  

Rock Steady.......Steady as She goes....

Phantasmagorical Debilitation

 If ever you've handled a 40 lb. free weight plate, with only 3 fingers and your thumb, you know sorta what it would be like to 'handle' a Simplex 10 TON Railroad Jack.  I wrote `sorta` and I DO MEAN 'Sorta'.  These Jacks don't s-l---i-----d------e.  You CAN'T 'push' them into the desired Position hence the term Un-Wieldy.  It takes Body DRAINING Effort to Position these Bad Asses Properly.  Just now I 'told' you I'd gotten Enlightenment from this Rock.  I could 'see' how things 'had to go'.  THIS was the Daunt and Whelm that was SOOOOOO Phantasmagorical-ly Debilitating.  

Here's more of the Deal.  Once in Position these 10 TON Simplex Railroad Jacks would PREVENT me from exerting a SIX TON STRAIGHT LINE PULL .  I told you I was fucked.  Worse, if it can GET any Worse, the Set-uP for the Simplex 10 TON Railroad Jacks would take ALL MORNING which is in  Retired Old Man Time roughly 2 hours.

Now it AINT like I didn't have the Time, I had freaking PLENTY, what I didn't have was the Mental EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!

I stared in a Stupor.  I could feel IT approach > > > ---- ____   Dread.

Telekinetic FAIL

 The Overall BIIIG Plan Of The Future was to ROTATE the GIANT ROSE-HEART CRYSTAL so that Its Emanations could be Broadcast more Effectively.  I wanted to Symbolize that Buddha's Four-Fold Noble Truths had "Heart".  I HAD gotten Enlightenment on this Rock, I KNEW I had to apply 'Simplex' TEN TON LIFTING PRESSURE in order to raise the Rose-Heart Section to an Elevation that GUARANTEED the SPIRITUAL Visual Aesthetic.  Here's what I DIDN'T want to do :: Use the Simplex TEN TON JACKS that would GUARANTEE said SPIRITUAL Visual Aesthetic.  It's just that I'm old, so old and weak, so Weak, and those Jacks are heavy so HEAVY, and unwieldy so Unwieldy.  

I focused ALL My Telepathic Kinetic Energy and STRAINED.


I'm old, so old, and weak, so Weak.

Peeve Feverish

 I sipped my Elixir of Life and Immortality while thinking I MAY need the Ambrosia of the Gods.  I wondered if I even HAD any Ambrosia of the Gods.  I fantasized that there SHOULD be an Ambrosia of the Gods micro-truck, like an ICE CREAM truck, that would visit neighborhoods to Dispense the Ambrosia of the Gods.  I had to resign myself that THAT would probably NOT be happening THIS day I mean shit, where's the Ambrosia of the Gods Micro-Mini Truck when you REALLY need it ?????  Apparently, the Universe saw Fit that I NOT get ingest-ment.

I turned my thoughts back to Rock.  I peered deeply.  I was DEFINITELY fucked.  Now I was PEEVED that I had to PEER.      I became Peeve Feverish, Feverishly Peeved.

Odin's Plastique Throne

 There are Five GIANT BIIG-ASS Boulders that are about 10 feet away from the Rear Property Line.  I've always wanted just FOUR to Represent Buddha's 'Four-Fold Noble Truths so One of those BIGG Asses had to 'git to gittin'.  I fetched the BIIIGGGEST chain in the arsenal, set an anchor choke on the Maple-that-had-bifurcated and cranked out to Tension.   Then I went indoors to rest my knee.  After half an hour I got back out, BUT the Sky that had been GLORIOUSLY Blue was now gun-metal gray.  

I'd wedged a(n) Heavy Duty Scissor Jack to break Inertia thereby initiating Movement.  I mean, it was at STRAIN but shit, I figured SIX FREAKING TONS of Straight Line PULL would ease that concrete-ized LEAD BLOB into (onto ?) a Trajectory of  Ratchet Flow.  

I cranked the Puller until I couldn't.  That meant SIX FREAKING TONS  >>>>   WASN'T ENOUGH.  The Magic Rope line and 5/8ths Chain were so TIGHT they made a guitar string Sound.  Now THAT was fucking ODD !!!!!!!!!!!!   

I sat down on Odin's Plastic Throne and Surveyed the Scene.  The Boulder was 'bound-uP' so much so that SIX FREAKING TONS OF STRAIGHT LINE PULL was fucking USELESS.   I looked HARD. Preventing Movement was BARELY four inches of set-back contact,  a tangential EDGE of FUCKING DOOM.  When I saw this after many several First Times, I figured the sheer WEIGHT of MASS would grind the Heart Crystal so that the Other could "move away sloooooooooooow".  

That four fucking inches was all I need to get fucking FUCKED.  Trust me on this, Size ISN'T Everything.

Hitting the SKIDS

I awoke to "...all around Nature's Dance just for me", a lyric segment off a song from Santana's "Marathon" album.  It wasn't all 'honky-dory' in that Tom Cochrane's "Lunatic Fringe" was fading off into the distance. So--- I mean, there was THAT.  

Yesterday I did a morning burn-down, I had shit SKIDS whose integrity had been compromised by FOUR YEARS of, 'I'll get to those LATER'.  Well  'Later' never showed up for Duty and the wood began its slow but INEVITABLE deterioration into 'punk' , wood that can't hold a nail and acts like a sponge sorta.  I got to use my Remington "Trim and Limb", an Electric Baby Chainsaw with about an 8 inch bar.  I'd sharpened its chain and the chips that flew off were significantly BIIIGG.  It made kwik work of the punked-up-sponge-wood.

It was a SPECTACULARLY EXQUISITE Early March Morning, the Sun SEARINGLY cool, WITHOUT even ONE mph of Air Movement.  Bliss I say, MONSTROUS BLISS.  It got me to thinkin' ~~~~ should I begin the Rock Moving Season like NOW ???????????   I wondered...... .

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Status Woe

 I got nothin' against Joe Biden, I aint got much FOR him neither.  Like trump, Joe's a Dinosaur.  Trump COULD-BE characterized as a T-Wrecks and Biden a Brontosaurus, one a Predator, the Other a pastoral Harvester, further, one Cain, the other Abel.  

Joe's gonna deliver an Inaugural Address, trump's gonna be Exited with Grand Flourish, "These two are the SAME as they issue forth".

All that's gonna be 'exchanged' is one Absurdity for An-Other.  ANY Scholar can point to the Peace and Harmony achieved by Irish Fanatics ON BOTH SIDES.  Here's what I'm sayin' to THAT   >ok<.  

Because on MY World View, I MUST impose a PRAGMATISM based upon Experiential Knowledge of the Political ABSOLUTE >> CHAOS is managed by CIVILIZED UNMITIGATED [and therefor Ruthless] SCRUTINY.  

Apparently Joe iz-gonna Romanticize his Inauguration by propaganda-cizing "Unity and Healing".  He'd better include the HOW of it, as in HOW the fuck is he gonna 'GET' republicans WHO DO NOT SHARE HIS WORLD VIEW to Compromise that the so-called UNION be advanced with a catholic (Universal) 'Trajectory' ????

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

In Absurdity We Trust

Once you learn that Islam, Judaism and Christianity are UNITED 'through' Abraham the Realization that the Crusades and ALL Religious Invasions and Jihads 'become' Absurd.  This Absurdity reached GROTESQUE Heights in Ireland where Protestants and Catholics waged a Religious WAR that knew no CIVILIZED bounds.  Indeed, Women and CHILDREN were heinously identified as ENEMY COMBATANTS ----  kidz were fucking PULVERIZED  in their buses.  For what ?  For the blaspheme-ic Obstinacy that the Catholic God WAS BETTER THAN the Protestant God ???  How Absurd was THAT considering theses 2 Religions 'HELD' THE SAME FUCKING GOD !!!!!   

Obviously it's the SAME in Islam where the 'Shi'ah battle the Sunni with the IDENTICAL DISREGARD for the Sacred Social Order that The Prophet DEMANDED be Observed as ONE NATION.  

The Essence of War DEMANDS the Suspension of Truth, both Material and Spiritual, 'so that' The POWER of Condemnation be Actualized as GOVERNMENTAL Authority.  Here it is where ABSURDITY is the Driving Force of what is deemed to be Sophisticated Law and Order.

You can see it rite ?   If there IZ a God, then He must be ABSURD.  

"In God We Trust" >>>>>>>>>>>   In Absurdity We Trust.

"I'm OK, You're Fucked-uP"

 The Problem 'is when' for some Reason or some Ill-Rationality some 'one' finds Objection to some-one else's Religion.  This 'Objection" finds Expression in Right and Wrong as in "I'm Right and YOU'RE Wrong", as well as, "My Religion is the One TRUE Religion and ALL OTHERS are False".  The JUDGEMENT of 'Right and Wrong' of True and False' carries with it PSYCHOLOGICAL Condemnation, meaning, once you've JUDGED the Verity and Falsity of an-Other's Religion, by 'transference' you've also 'Condemned' that Individual to being UN- True and therefore FALSE.  Here it is where Condemnation GENERATES Dissonance and Harmony (and Peace) is CONSCIOUSLY jettisoned.  The Disruption of Harmony is SELF-STOKING.  The DIS-EASE doesn't just Accumulate it becomes MAGNIFIED so much so that the Cure of this Disease is none-other that Total EXCISION, genocidal-ly expressed as, "The World would be a better place IF YOU DIDN'T EXIST".

Hello Hitler, Hello Stalin,  Hello Pol Pot.

The Shit Has Hit The Fan

 If you 'grow-up' in a Catholic home, chances are, you're gonna 'be' Catholic,  same with Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist and other "Others".  Your "World View" then, is 'foundation-ed' upon Catholic Canon, the Primer of which is the Catechism.  The 'scope and measure' of your 'Life' is dependent upon your Understanding of the Catholic Canon, and when that Understanding finds shortcomings and failures, your FAITH is what "carries you through".  Here it is where "Truth" actually 'plays' NO PART in 'Common-Place' (Common Sense) Causal (and A-Causal) Reality, the one of your Neighbors and your Friends, (and more broadly the Social Order), who may or may NOT 'Hold' Catholic Canon as THEIR "World View" 'Refinement'.  

MOST of Us are 'raised' toward a magnanimity of Religious Expression, that is, We're 'brought up' to maintain an 'ease of bearing' that is SUPPOSE-TA, receive the Religious Doctrines of Others, (by proxy their World View), with 'generous solicitude'.  The Advantage of this Consciousness is Harmony, Peace resulting.  Here it is where the Social Order 'rests upon' this Harmony.  When things go well, they go REALLY Well, but when they don't, "THE SHIT HITS THE FAN" and EVERYONE gets COVERED in FILTH.  

In-laws and Out-laws and all Other Relatives

 It's not enough to have Facts presented to us, since the Capability of Assessing those Facts is what promotes Understanding.  Obviously, without that Capability, and sometimes even WITH that Capability, Understanding the Ramifications of ANY Fact 'Pattern' may still be elusive.  This 'This' is why News READERS host Guests to EXPLAIN the Patterns that Facts present ::   The so-called "Connect the [Fact] Dots" [so] that the Fact Pattern Image can be completed and therefore fully 'Grasped' by the Viewer.  

When the Media 'suggests' [that] there are 2 "Universes" what they SHOULD-BE presenting is the FACT of 2 Separate REALITIES.  Clearly there is the 'Democrat 'Reality' and a Trumpocrat 'Reality' and these 2 'Differ' DESPITE the 'Shared Commonality' of 'SAME COUNTRY' 'Territory'.  The 'CAUSE' of this Difference is "World View".  The "World View" is SUPPOSE-TO be 'origin-ed' by Childhood Exposure to Parental Actuality, i.e., THEIR "World View" be it Liberal or Conservative, Racist or Otherwise.  'World View' 'acts' like a Filtration System ::  As Outside Sensation enters it is 'Filtered' by this World View and then [it] enters Consciousness AS "Reality".

Reality, therefore, is GENERATED by one's World View.  "Reality" therefore is RELATIVE.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

'Necessary' Evil

 No steak without bovine death, no bacon without porcine slaughter.  We Kill to Live, all of Us that are carnivorous, that is.   This "Kill to Live" is Necessary Evil.  

The 'kwik slant' to  >trumpian genocide as Pandemic Persecution<  Exists as 'Necessary Evil'.  This Shit is as FOUL and VILE as ANY Human Atrocity CAN 'Be' given its True Nature as Universal ABSOLUTE.  The so-called Universal 'Round' >We are born, we die and we are once again reborn<   Exists as NATURALLY  Occurring  'Evil',    Evil because of the 'Extent' that SUFFERING is the ESSENCE of Earthly Existence.  We are Born to Die.  We are Born to Suffer.  Such is the Nature of Spiritual Corporeality.  As Bro Phlip Demers enjoined,  "Life sucks, then you die."     Sage.

It is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE to Try and Grasp that the End Times are upon Us >>> that,  DESPITE the War that Rages--- IT WILL COME TO AN END.  If there be 'Easement' it is WITHIN the Conflict itself, existing as PARADOXICAL Sublimation of both Conscious Actuality and UN-Conscious Phantasm.  This is correctly referred to as "Living the Dream".  

Know this Kidz, even though we are "Up Shit Creek"  WE HAVE PADDLES.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....


Before I deliver some Futurism that I'm certain will be deemed Unpalatable I NEED you Kidz to dig out the Allman Brothers' "Eat A Peach" and play tract 7  "STAND BACK".  The RHYTHM OF "Stand Back" is what the SOUND of a  'Matter / Anti- Matter'  Engine sounds-like when controlled by Music-As-Time Maestros.   Turn the Volume to UP !!!!!!

In the Same Way that The Future has found that Judas Iscariot was BODHISATTVA, that, his 'Delivery' of Jesus to the Mental Minions of Primitive Caliaphas 1st Order Jews and Roman Pontius Pilate Soldiery, was Jesus' COMMAND >>> so it will be with the Anti-Christ trump.  Trump WILL BE reckoned as SAVIOR to Human Kind because of his Garden of Eden SERPENT-LIKE Seduction and DELIVERY OF EVIL.  

As They 'CRUCIFY' trump I will just go all-out Allman Brothers and try to 

"move away ss---lll-ooooooooooo w". ----------mainly because Future Steve will be Present as Present Steve in the 'Slip-Stream' of Causal Actuality.

Because of Trump, America will be FORCED to FINALLY 'Reckon' its Past with the Future-Ism of SOCIALIST Democracy and PARLIAMENTARY Governmental 'Resonance'.  

"You can Believe me, I'm always right, and I never lie."


 The Material of the Past ISN'T 'suppose-ta' 'act' as Anti-Matter, which, when exposed to the Future-as-Matter,, then exPLODES in Violent, Earth SHATTERING Dissolution.  Up until NOW We HAVE managed the Past with a LOVING Refinement, a ROMANTIC Sophistication, that 'Allows For' and even PROMOTES The Acceptance of the Past as Grandeur and Idyll-itry.  There Existed a Filtration System that acted as Active REPRESSION that 'chambered' Hatred, Bias, Bigotry and Racism.  Singular Episodes of Anti-Matter >Unwanted Release< were viewed as 'just that' , marginal PHYSICAL 'aspects' of Failure of Containment.  Given the PRESSURE on this Active Repression Containment System, any such 'Episode' was received as "Within Design Parameters".  It came, it stayed-around for awhile, then dissipated, leaving behind very little (radio-active) residue.   Remember Newtown ?   It's become a mere 'Thread' in the 'Slip-Stream'.  It's become a Mental Blur, almost Evaporative in Nature.  


Prayers and Supplications to the Gods Of The Past that We may 'return' to Decency and Normalcy are a Form of Degenerative Cognition that (once again) DEVALUES the Obvious and FAVORS the Romance of De-Lusion, Ill-Lusion and Psychopathic Trans-Fluctuation meaning Reality vacillates between Perception >>  both REAL and IMAGINED.   The Psychological FACTS that "We Create our OWN Perceptual Reality" AND "We act according to the way we see things" SHOULD Define our Present 'Sensation' Existence.  It is INJURIOUS-LY Exasperating that the KNOWLEDGE of TW O Psycho-Logical Universes that have manifested in the The Realm of Present Conditionality are yet to be FULLY Appreciated as Concretized ACTUALITY.  

We aint NEVER "goin' BACK" because WE NEVER LEFT. 

In the Realm of Buddhist Quantum Mechanics, the so-called "Three Worlds", those of Past, Present and Future, Exist as Ongoing SIMULTANEOUS Chronological Dynamics.  Here it is, check that, here it MUST BE that the Past Influences the Present AS DOES THE FUTURE >> to Produce, as Present Day Reality, a  'Slip-stream'  composed of Threads of EACH.  Here it is where the 'Past' manifests as a Utopian 'Eden' and the Future manifests as 'Promised Land'  'Hope'.  

It's totally and COMPLETELY fucked-uP that this 'Slip-stream' is Experienced as Political Turbulence.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

One as All, All as ONE

 I'm gonna leave this here.  I'm heading Outdoors to 'sublimate my Rage' and reside in Early March Beauty.  Work is Release. 

It's gonna be 'up to' the Governors to stem the MAGA SWARM by inciting their State's National Guard to Duty.  It is DEPRESSING URGENT that we keep in Our Mind that these may NOT be what WE Want them to be.  


Your Death will NOT elevate You to MARTYR Status.  

Your VOTE is what will gain you and ALL OF US >>>>>>>>>  IMMORTALITY !!!!

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

"Kops and Klan go hand in hand."

 You Kidz can't possible know this                      Political                     Dysentery .   It's an epithet from the Early 60's that became so INGRAINED that it was rarely uttered by Early 70's Activists who were Oriented toward the more Pop Cultural, "The Revolution will NOT be Televised".  Holy Fucking Fucking- Fuck did WE get THAT Rong. 

The "Truth" flushed out by the 'Untouchables' has exposed "What-We Already-Know" >>  that Kops OPENED THE DOORS TO NAZIS AND WHITE SUPREMACISTS,, Hence the Title.   The Execution Of George Floyd PROVED >>>BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY  DOUBT <<< that TREASONOUS Racism is the 'LIFE-BLOOD' of MANY  Kops who voted 'EN MASSE'  for trump.  These trumpian militia-men will be asked to Protect State Capitols during the Confederate MAGA SWARM.  

'Cavalry' as KILLERS ................................................................................

Fury Us

I am loathe to concede that Misery has now approached AGONY because of the FBI's NATIONWIDE Warning of CIVIL WAR Proximity.  Red Neck 'Red Coats' have VOWED to INVADE State Capitols with ARMED CONFEDERATE RAGE should trump be summarily Discharged as per Order of the Electoral College AND Constitutional Authority which THEY have deemed FRAUDULENT Counter-Indemnity.  

Let Freedom STING

 Media Combat Vets have dug-in and dug out 'Information' that Identifies TRUMP and his maelstrom militia as the Cascading Force that Commanded the SURRENDER of Capitol Hill.  It's As If these Media Vets have become "The Untouchables", Guarantors of Truth and Executors of Violent Diagnostic Liberation.  Is in not True that when Truth is Liberated Freedom-as-Justice can be Experienced as REVOLUTION ???    I say YES !

I have berated and bad-mouthed the Media with my own  brand of corrosive castigation because of their lame-ass, DESIRE-LESS, regard for Full Mind and Body EXERTION.  They are SUPPOSE-TA be OUR Eyes and Ears, recondite reconnoiters of the Shit, Piss and Fucking Corruption that IZ the Swamp Cesspool of Lies, Deceits, and Cultural War Mongering, Hate-Loving Misanthropes.  You need  BALLS for this Shit Kidz and before the Day Of Infamy these 'Balls' were crypt-dwelling in frightened Cowardice.

It's the Myth of the Gods, How the Olympians DEFEATED the Titans.

Trojan Whore-se

 Abrams' Victory was Blurred among the Clusterfuck Chaos of The Insurrection Assault of January 6th, the so-called "Day of Infamy",  when trump's Neo-Confederate Forces of Delusional GRANDEUR submitted the now-deemed PATHETIC 'Resistance' of Capitol 'Friendlys', those whose Oath to Protect the Congress, was mere platitude of Ignominious Deceit.  Reports of Terrorist Conclave-Ity have been released that FULLY Establish Conspiratorial Complicity on the part of the aforementioned 'protectorate'.  

During the Initial Stages of the Onslaught, an Atrocity of Earthquake MAGNITUDE, Chuck Todd could manage only, "Where is the Cavalry ?".   Nicole Wallace, our "Go-To Gal" was FEVERISH in near Apoplectic Frenzy as she tried to Grasp the ENORMITY of the Assault >> maga-rats scaling the Walls of Democratic Political Freedom UN-OPPOSED and seemingly WELCOMED by the now Most Gracious DOORMAN of the Chambers of  Political Cathedral Sanctity.

HOW could the ENEMY have entered with such GROTESQUE Ease ?????????

2 words :

They had Help.

Abrams the Georgian

 I wuz Furious when the democraps surged with Victory 'wash' BEFORE  the Georgia Battle had been 'resulted'.  Stacey Abrams' 'Black Army' Resoundingly DEFEATED the Forces of Piss, Shit and Fucking Corruption to 'usher in' a JEW and a NEGRO to Be the Representative Presence of the Georgian Avant-Guarde.  Here it is where "Hannibal the Carthaginian" and "Abrams the Georgian" should be "Hallowed" by Historian Futurists and American Historiographers both NOW and FOR-EVER, such was the MAGNITUDE of Abrams' COLOSSAL Success .  Truly she has UNCHAINED Georgia and AMERICA from White, Strangle-Hold, Vituperation.  

All HAIL General Abrams .

Blood, Sweat and Tears

 Despite the Date, it's Early March outdoors.  The New Plan, to work for  AT LEAST 5 hours, has been actuated, but, because of the Prevailing Politi-cal and Pandemic-cal Atmos-Fear, I find myself working to shed the Misery and Sorrow that only [End Times] Famine and Pestilence can generate.  It is BIZARRE-LY SURREAL to work in Absolute Beauty --no wind and a Sun that WARMS your face-- while my Fellow Americans eek out 'Life' of Egregious DEPRIVATION all at the Hands of Millionaire Politicians >trump Driven and Hell Bent < on a Genocide of an Impoverishly weakened Citizenry THEY 'manufactured'.  

To My Fellow Americans I offer a Blood, Sweat and Tears song by Al Cooper, the 2nd 'Cut' on the First BS&T Album >>>  "I Love You MORE Than You'll Ever Know".

Friday, January 8, 2021

Rapturous Delirium

 Simplicity can SOMETIMES beget a Rapturous Delirium.  I've been Guilty of such Spiritual Extravagance.  There are Exquisite Times when there is "No Self and No Thought of Self", where Ego-Driven Ambition is expressed by Beast Of Burden Elegance.   Here it is where 'I crank rope, I draaaag Rock' exists as Primal SECURITY, an Envelope of Corporeal Exactitude meaning Every Fiber of Muscle and Every Brain-wave Neutron is UNIFIED by a Cosmic Volition that has as ITS Source > the Tao.   Here it is where Simplicity EQUALS Truth, and since Truth IZ the Tao, Simplicity, then, EQUALS The Truth.

I have characterized the American Divide as being Cataclysmically Tectonic meaning the Folks of trumpism exist on a Psychological 'Continent' far Far A          WAAAAY from the Mentally Contiguous U.S.  I can't help myself --- I must use 'Fault'.  There comes a point at which explanations, descriptions and theories CANNOT 'bridge' the Distance between these 'Continents'.  Here it is where a "First Brick or Stone MUST be laid to BEGIN to "Bridge the Divide".  Here it is where this Bridge MUST be Built ON THE LEVEL in order for "Eye to Eye" Vision to be achieved.  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Lynyrd Skynyrd

 I just took a 'Music Break'   >  <   I dug out Lynyrd Skynrd's "Gold and Platinum" one of the GREATEST Double-Disc Sets of ALL TIME.  I loaded "Simple Man", the 5th Tract on DISC TWO.  Just so you know,,  "Sweet Home Alabama" is Tract 7 on DISC ONE.  

When mite-ee Joe Biden defended his State University Education as being just as "Viable" as the Hoity of Toity Ivy League's,  my Mind and Heart damn-near  rup   tured.  My University Education was State of Connecticut Provided.  Did I consider it EQUAL to that of Brown or Yale ?    The Deal with Ivy League you get FULL PROFESSORS in FRESHMAN Classes, whereas at UConn, we got Grad Students and the Like.  Then there's THE STUDENTS ARE DIFFERENT.  It's a whole Different Universe.

Simplicity as VIRTUE is Civilization-al HALLMARK of the South.  MOST of Us are excruciatingly aware that to extol a Simple Life in the North MAY reflect a Submission to prevailing Economic Causation.  The North VALUES Civilization-al SOPHISTICATION which was BEAUTIFULLY Characterized by Witherspoon in "Sweet...Alabama".   

The Antebellum South was itself Characterized by the Production of RAW [Simple] Goods which were shipped or transported to the NORTH where they were 'Refined' by a technologically SUPERIOR Industrial Sophistication.   South meant Simple -- North meant Sophisticated.  Simple = Inferior  >>  Sophisticated  =  Superior.  

Legally Fond

 Reese 'makes no bones' about her Northern Elite-Ism.  Her scorn and contempt for down-home small-time coots and indigents is ruthlessly projected by her Educated Regency.  The Locals can manage only a, "Well ain't YOU a Hoity Toity".  You can see that Reese REVELS in her Northern "Royalty" which only FURTHERS the Locals' Scorn and Contempt viewing her as TRAITOR to Southern Civilization.  Reese's depiction of Northern Supremacy is exceedingly NATURAL, upsettingly so, given her portrayal of Material Girl in her "Legally Blonde" where her characterizations are cartoonishly 'forced'.  Keep in mind, she is from Louisiana >>> There should NOT be 'anything Natural' about her efforts to project Northern Ascendancy.  THIS is why she is SO 'melt-worthy' --- she can Act.  

But I digress.   

Her Mom reprimands Reese, "I didn't want you to be like me" --- as if the Down Home Make A Simple Life is some-sort of Devastation-laden ATROCITY.   Reese was parentally Brain TATTOOED with Socio-Economic REVULSION that could be neutralized ONLY by a Salvation located in ELSEWHERE.  

But wait, there's more.....

...gits to goin'...

 Reese represents the cliche 'small town girl heads to the Big Apple seeking Fame and Fortune'.  Reese makes GREAT EFFORT to CONCEAL her backwoods-backwater TRUE Identity that she may gain Northern ACCEPTANCE of her STOLEN Fraudulent Identity of Southern Belle Fashion Intellectual.  Josh, maintains his TRUE Identity, Brown Eyed Southern Boy, who is Driven by an Ambition seemingly founded on Un-Requited Love--as if--Intra-Personal Financial Success would weaponize his marriage Frenzy to the point of being "LOOK AT ME NOW !!!" .  Indeed, not only did he have "Something To Prove" to Reese,  he had a LARGER OBLIGATION to his Self.  On the COSMIC Scale lurches Josh's Belief that The SOUTH is ALSO a Land RICH in Opportunity >>  that you do NOT have to travel to the HATED North to find and manufacture Personal Wealth.

This 'Hatred of the North' affords diabolical Serenity for Southern Southerners.  Reese, however, does NOT Believe that the South is anything BUT a backwater-backwoods SWAMP of cesspoolic lethargy and domestic paucity.  It is the NORTH, she Believes, that can afford her BIG CITY INDUSTRY.  

Since Josh is "goin' nowhere FAST" she abandons her marriage vows and "gits to goin' ".

Reese Witherspoon

 I will NEVER 'declare' that Reese Witherspoon is 'my girl' mainly bc, like Susan Sarandon, Reese aint EVA gonna make it into Outer Space Sci-Fi.  I allow myself IRRITATION bc she graduated from Stanford DESPITE being 'born and bred' in Louisiana .   I hold no such bias toward Matt Damon, Boston Born and Bred AND Harvard Educated.  The Thing About Reese is "Sweet Home Alabama" one of my ALL TIME FAVS and Homespun Comfort Flicks.  Ever Guy ON EARTH sides with Josh Lucas, a supposed grossly non-itinerant ne're-do-well, fucked over by a supposedly heartless almost dirt-poor Southern Belle Wanna-Be.  The Film iz Multi-levels layered, and 'covers' Northern Blue and Southern Gray 'Postures' with a humorous dexterity that generates an Acceptance of Cinema Actuality which is tuned to Cosmic American Stereotypes.  This is NOT >> 'a bad Thing' ---quite the Opposite in fact.

There's a Scene and a LINE that Spoon delivers that FOR-EVER aligns her with RIGHTEOUS CALIBRATED FORTITUDE.  As she spills out of a Local Saloon Josh berates her with his most INTIMATE Indignation >>>  he whip-scorns, "You think you're so much BETTER than the rest of us".  Hunched over in a drunken fold she lashes, "I AM BETTER".  

There IT is.  North versus South  with NO Victory even CONCEIVABLE.


 I have vented, in a somewhat profoundly Feverish Ill-Manner, that the Insurrectionists were Moronically Imbecilic.  That really WASN'T giving them their 'Just Due'.  Most of Us aging Hippie-fied Geriatrics don't Understand HOW a 'Peaceful Protest' escalated to 'Siege' Mentality >>> I mean shit, WHY storm the Capitol Building KNOWING that ULTIMATELY their efforts would be NEUTRALIZED given the TRUTH of Election Results.  CLEARLY the  'Truth'  had   NO  DIRECT  NOR  RELATIVE SIGNIFICANCE.  Their Demand was for the OVERTHROW of LIBERAL 'Truth' in order to supplant It with Redneck Radicalized Sensation >> the ONLY 'Truth' that Mattered.  

They BELIEVED the Lies-as-Truths generated by Their TRUSTED Others.  The Election was Stolen, they really DID Win and by a fucking LANDSLIDE no less.  So it was that in order to express their PATRIOTIC OBLIGATION TO UPHOLD THE TRUTH OF THE NATION there was NO Recourse save to March On and Breech the Capitol Building 'Fortifications'.  'Truth' HAD-TO-BE Defended cuz >>THAT'S<<   THE AMERICAN WAY  !!! 

I mean, you can see that rite ?

The Lies ARE the Truths

 'Real' Explanations and 'Real' Understanding will NOT benefit Those whose 'World View' is INCAPABLE of 'Accepting' Truth as 'Real'.  I have argued elsewhere that Humankind has done quite Well WITHOUT Truth AND Understanding---technically, there was NO DIFFERENCE from a Planet with a Moon of Blue Cheese or a Planet orbited by a Celestial Satellite---Civilization was NOT dependent upon Every solitary Earthling's Grasp of Flat Earth vs. Round World Topography.  Indeed, when Science tried to Explain and promote Understanding, what transpired was REAL Quasi-Academic Suffering which then percolated downward to Street And Gutter FEAR.  Don't go to Far else you'll Fall Off.

Information upon which Life is foundationed can be Believed ONLY if that Information is delivered by Trusted Sources, first one's Parents and then << Those That Can and SHOULD be Trusted >> Teachers, Priests, Reliable Friends and Noteworthy Others.

You can see the Problem.  

It Those Trusted Others propagate Lies then Lies are the ONLY 'Truths'.