Tuesday, January 19, 2021

"I'm OK, You're Fucked-uP"

 The Problem 'is when' for some Reason or some Ill-Rationality some 'one' finds Objection to some-one else's Religion.  This 'Objection" finds Expression in Right and Wrong as in "I'm Right and YOU'RE Wrong", as well as, "My Religion is the One TRUE Religion and ALL OTHERS are False".  The JUDGEMENT of 'Right and Wrong' of True and False' carries with it PSYCHOLOGICAL Condemnation, meaning, once you've JUDGED the Verity and Falsity of an-Other's Religion, by 'transference' you've also 'Condemned' that Individual to being UN- True and therefore FALSE.  Here it is where Condemnation GENERATES Dissonance and Harmony (and Peace) is CONSCIOUSLY jettisoned.  The Disruption of Harmony is SELF-STOKING.  The DIS-EASE doesn't just Accumulate it becomes MAGNIFIED so much so that the Cure of this Disease is none-other that Total EXCISION, genocidal-ly expressed as, "The World would be a better place IF YOU DIDN'T EXIST".

Hello Hitler, Hello Stalin,  Hello Pol Pot.

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