Thursday, January 14, 2021


Prayers and Supplications to the Gods Of The Past that We may 'return' to Decency and Normalcy are a Form of Degenerative Cognition that (once again) DEVALUES the Obvious and FAVORS the Romance of De-Lusion, Ill-Lusion and Psychopathic Trans-Fluctuation meaning Reality vacillates between Perception >>  both REAL and IMAGINED.   The Psychological FACTS that "We Create our OWN Perceptual Reality" AND "We act according to the way we see things" SHOULD Define our Present 'Sensation' Existence.  It is INJURIOUS-LY Exasperating that the KNOWLEDGE of TW O Psycho-Logical Universes that have manifested in the The Realm of Present Conditionality are yet to be FULLY Appreciated as Concretized ACTUALITY.  

We aint NEVER "goin' BACK" because WE NEVER LEFT. 

In the Realm of Buddhist Quantum Mechanics, the so-called "Three Worlds", those of Past, Present and Future, Exist as Ongoing SIMULTANEOUS Chronological Dynamics.  Here it is, check that, here it MUST BE that the Past Influences the Present AS DOES THE FUTURE >> to Produce, as Present Day Reality, a  'Slip-stream'  composed of Threads of EACH.  Here it is where the 'Past' manifests as a Utopian 'Eden' and the Future manifests as 'Promised Land'  'Hope'.  

It's totally and COMPLETELY fucked-uP that this 'Slip-stream' is Experienced as Political Turbulence.

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