Saturday, January 23, 2021

Elly and The Will Of the Elephant Gods

 What I DIDN'T want to Believe, is that the GIANT ROSE-QUARTZ CRYSTAL was pitched forward and what prevented it from rolling onto the concrete Patio was the ROCK I wanted to re-position.  Let me say, the TOP of the ROCK is as HIGH an "elephant's thigh".  THAT'S one of the Reasons the Four Inch DOOMSDAY EDGE acted like a TUNGSTENSTEELWELD.  

Initially, all I had to do was dig out my Antique Plump Line so that I could determine the Center of Gravity for Elephant MOUNTAIN.  Well, I DIDN'T.  I DIDN'T want to get ANY bad news.  What I DID Do was find MY Center of DEPRAVITY.  We all KNOW what  THAT  IZ  !!

I knew what HAD-TA be done.  I HAD-TA dig out the rear of Elly so that her PHAT PHUCKING ASS could nestle in a crater cradle.  2 words >>    Oh my aching fucking ASS !!!!

OBVIOUSLY there's nothing to do but DO IT.  It WON'T be the First Time I've been 'brought to my knees' by a Task of  Will Abandonment.  I HAD TO Submit to the Will of the Elephant Gods, Her HY-NESS Elly among Them.  

Rock Steady.......Steady as She goes....

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