Friday, January 29, 2021

"Be HERE >>> NOW"

 Joe wheezes, "jobs, jobs,, jobs,,," as though the recitation of the word has within it the MAGIC Power of MANTRA Incantation.  Just 'mantra-ing' 'jobs' will NOT produce jobs nor will it Generate RELIEF.  I find his delivery of The Promise of Future Jobs to be wholly Don Quixote-ICK :: meaning OF COURSE there will be jobs in the Future but We ain't IN the fucking Future,,,,, We are HERE NOW >>>>  MILLIONS of Workers who need jobs NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is so disastrously dystopian in Don Joe's Quixotic Dream is the Real Reality >> that there are MILLIONS of Jobs HERE and NOW .  Covid has GUARANTEED the VITAL Necessity of School and Industry HVAC MODERNIZATION.  Don Joe Q seems to be IGNORING this  REALITY to reside if not LUXURIATE in a laudalum induced Realm of Industrio-Political Futuristic Phantasmagoria .  The JoeQ's on us.

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