Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Blood, Sweat and Tears

 Despite the Date, it's Early March outdoors.  The New Plan, to work for  AT LEAST 5 hours, has been actuated, but, because of the Prevailing Politi-cal and Pandemic-cal Atmos-Fear, I find myself working to shed the Misery and Sorrow that only [End Times] Famine and Pestilence can generate.  It is BIZARRE-LY SURREAL to work in Absolute Beauty --no wind and a Sun that WARMS your face-- while my Fellow Americans eek out 'Life' of Egregious DEPRIVATION all at the Hands of Millionaire Politicians >trump Driven and Hell Bent < on a Genocide of an Impoverishly weakened Citizenry THEY 'manufactured'.  

To My Fellow Americans I offer a Blood, Sweat and Tears song by Al Cooper, the 2nd 'Cut' on the First BS&T Album >>>  "I Love You MORE Than You'll Ever Know".

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