Tuesday, January 19, 2021

In Absurdity We Trust

Once you learn that Islam, Judaism and Christianity are UNITED 'through' Abraham the Realization that the Crusades and ALL Religious Invasions and Jihads 'become' Absurd.  This Absurdity reached GROTESQUE Heights in Ireland where Protestants and Catholics waged a Religious WAR that knew no CIVILIZED bounds.  Indeed, Women and CHILDREN were heinously identified as ENEMY COMBATANTS ----  kidz were fucking PULVERIZED  in their buses.  For what ?  For the blaspheme-ic Obstinacy that the Catholic God WAS BETTER THAN the Protestant God ???  How Absurd was THAT considering theses 2 Religions 'HELD' THE SAME FUCKING GOD !!!!!   

Obviously it's the SAME in Islam where the 'Shi'ah battle the Sunni with the IDENTICAL DISREGARD for the Sacred Social Order that The Prophet DEMANDED be Observed as ONE NATION.  

The Essence of War DEMANDS the Suspension of Truth, both Material and Spiritual, 'so that' The POWER of Condemnation be Actualized as GOVERNMENTAL Authority.  Here it is where ABSURDITY is the Driving Force of what is deemed to be Sophisticated Law and Order.

You can see it rite ?   If there IZ a God, then He must be ABSURD.  

"In God We Trust" >>>>>>>>>>>   In Absurdity We Trust.

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