Friday, January 8, 2021

Rapturous Delirium

 Simplicity can SOMETIMES beget a Rapturous Delirium.  I've been Guilty of such Spiritual Extravagance.  There are Exquisite Times when there is "No Self and No Thought of Self", where Ego-Driven Ambition is expressed by Beast Of Burden Elegance.   Here it is where 'I crank rope, I draaaag Rock' exists as Primal SECURITY, an Envelope of Corporeal Exactitude meaning Every Fiber of Muscle and Every Brain-wave Neutron is UNIFIED by a Cosmic Volition that has as ITS Source > the Tao.   Here it is where Simplicity EQUALS Truth, and since Truth IZ the Tao, Simplicity, then, EQUALS The Truth.

I have characterized the American Divide as being Cataclysmically Tectonic meaning the Folks of trumpism exist on a Psychological 'Continent' far Far A          WAAAAY from the Mentally Contiguous U.S.  I can't help myself --- I must use 'Fault'.  There comes a point at which explanations, descriptions and theories CANNOT 'bridge' the Distance between these 'Continents'.  Here it is where a "First Brick or Stone MUST be laid to BEGIN to "Bridge the Divide".  Here it is where this Bridge MUST be Built ON THE LEVEL in order for "Eye to Eye" Vision to be achieved.  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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