Saturday, January 23, 2021

Hitting the SKIDS

I awoke to "...all around Nature's Dance just for me", a lyric segment off a song from Santana's "Marathon" album.  It wasn't all 'honky-dory' in that Tom Cochrane's "Lunatic Fringe" was fading off into the distance. So--- I mean, there was THAT.  

Yesterday I did a morning burn-down, I had shit SKIDS whose integrity had been compromised by FOUR YEARS of, 'I'll get to those LATER'.  Well  'Later' never showed up for Duty and the wood began its slow but INEVITABLE deterioration into 'punk' , wood that can't hold a nail and acts like a sponge sorta.  I got to use my Remington "Trim and Limb", an Electric Baby Chainsaw with about an 8 inch bar.  I'd sharpened its chain and the chips that flew off were significantly BIIIGG.  It made kwik work of the punked-up-sponge-wood.

It was a SPECTACULARLY EXQUISITE Early March Morning, the Sun SEARINGLY cool, WITHOUT even ONE mph of Air Movement.  Bliss I say, MONSTROUS BLISS.  It got me to thinkin' ~~~~ should I begin the Rock Moving Season like NOW ???????????   I wondered...... .

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