Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Trojan Whore-se

 Abrams' Victory was Blurred among the Clusterfuck Chaos of The Insurrection Assault of January 6th, the so-called "Day of Infamy",  when trump's Neo-Confederate Forces of Delusional GRANDEUR submitted the now-deemed PATHETIC 'Resistance' of Capitol 'Friendlys', those whose Oath to Protect the Congress, was mere platitude of Ignominious Deceit.  Reports of Terrorist Conclave-Ity have been released that FULLY Establish Conspiratorial Complicity on the part of the aforementioned 'protectorate'.  

During the Initial Stages of the Onslaught, an Atrocity of Earthquake MAGNITUDE, Chuck Todd could manage only, "Where is the Cavalry ?".   Nicole Wallace, our "Go-To Gal" was FEVERISH in near Apoplectic Frenzy as she tried to Grasp the ENORMITY of the Assault >> maga-rats scaling the Walls of Democratic Political Freedom UN-OPPOSED and seemingly WELCOMED by the now Most Gracious DOORMAN of the Chambers of  Political Cathedral Sanctity.

HOW could the ENEMY have entered with such GROTESQUE Ease ?????????

2 words :

They had Help.

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