Saturday, January 30, 2021

God is the Root of ALL Evil

 Inn the Same Way that SOMEHOW Capitalism 'became' a Religion, designated as Capitalistic Materialism so it is with trumpism and ITS transmogrification into a RELIGION.  Elsewhere I made the Case whereby >Because PROFIT 'Ruled'> Profit was WORSHIPED.  SOMEHOW Prosperity and WEALTH 'became' hall and bench marks of God's AFFIRMATION,  DIVINE Endowment Resulting ::  meaning, IF you had Money and 'did well', THEN this was PROOF not only of Social VALUE but of Social STATUS.  God smiled upon you whether or not you EARNED that Wealth OR if 'it' was at the Cost of OTHERS' Misery and Suffering.  In THIS Case, Gaud is a Business PRICK Whose ONLY Orientation is "Bottom Line" Profitability.  

In the Case of our own Currency, upon which is written "In God We Trust" God, at this Level IZ Money !

Loving Money IZ LOVING GOD.

The more Money you have is an Indicatior of HOW MUCH you Love God.

Here it is as BILLBOARD ::  Since "The Love of Money is the Root of ALL Evil"  then


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