Friday, January 8, 2021

The Lies ARE the Truths

 'Real' Explanations and 'Real' Understanding will NOT benefit Those whose 'World View' is INCAPABLE of 'Accepting' Truth as 'Real'.  I have argued elsewhere that Humankind has done quite Well WITHOUT Truth AND Understanding---technically, there was NO DIFFERENCE from a Planet with a Moon of Blue Cheese or a Planet orbited by a Celestial Satellite---Civilization was NOT dependent upon Every solitary Earthling's Grasp of Flat Earth vs. Round World Topography.  Indeed, when Science tried to Explain and promote Understanding, what transpired was REAL Quasi-Academic Suffering which then percolated downward to Street And Gutter FEAR.  Don't go to Far else you'll Fall Off.

Information upon which Life is foundationed can be Believed ONLY if that Information is delivered by Trusted Sources, first one's Parents and then << Those That Can and SHOULD be Trusted >> Teachers, Priests, Reliable Friends and Noteworthy Others.

You can see the Problem.  

It Those Trusted Others propagate Lies then Lies are the ONLY 'Truths'.

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