Friday, January 8, 2021

Lynyrd Skynyrd

 I just took a 'Music Break'   >  <   I dug out Lynyrd Skynrd's "Gold and Platinum" one of the GREATEST Double-Disc Sets of ALL TIME.  I loaded "Simple Man", the 5th Tract on DISC TWO.  Just so you know,,  "Sweet Home Alabama" is Tract 7 on DISC ONE.  

When mite-ee Joe Biden defended his State University Education as being just as "Viable" as the Hoity of Toity Ivy League's,  my Mind and Heart damn-near  rup   tured.  My University Education was State of Connecticut Provided.  Did I consider it EQUAL to that of Brown or Yale ?    The Deal with Ivy League you get FULL PROFESSORS in FRESHMAN Classes, whereas at UConn, we got Grad Students and the Like.  Then there's THE STUDENTS ARE DIFFERENT.  It's a whole Different Universe.

Simplicity as VIRTUE is Civilization-al HALLMARK of the South.  MOST of Us are excruciatingly aware that to extol a Simple Life in the North MAY reflect a Submission to prevailing Economic Causation.  The North VALUES Civilization-al SOPHISTICATION which was BEAUTIFULLY Characterized by Witherspoon in "Sweet...Alabama".   

The Antebellum South was itself Characterized by the Production of RAW [Simple] Goods which were shipped or transported to the NORTH where they were 'Refined' by a technologically SUPERIOR Industrial Sophistication.   South meant Simple -- North meant Sophisticated.  Simple = Inferior  >>  Sophisticated  =  Superior.  

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