Friday, January 8, 2021

Reese Witherspoon

 I will NEVER 'declare' that Reese Witherspoon is 'my girl' mainly bc, like Susan Sarandon, Reese aint EVA gonna make it into Outer Space Sci-Fi.  I allow myself IRRITATION bc she graduated from Stanford DESPITE being 'born and bred' in Louisiana .   I hold no such bias toward Matt Damon, Boston Born and Bred AND Harvard Educated.  The Thing About Reese is "Sweet Home Alabama" one of my ALL TIME FAVS and Homespun Comfort Flicks.  Ever Guy ON EARTH sides with Josh Lucas, a supposed grossly non-itinerant ne're-do-well, fucked over by a supposedly heartless almost dirt-poor Southern Belle Wanna-Be.  The Film iz Multi-levels layered, and 'covers' Northern Blue and Southern Gray 'Postures' with a humorous dexterity that generates an Acceptance of Cinema Actuality which is tuned to Cosmic American Stereotypes.  This is NOT >> 'a bad Thing' ---quite the Opposite in fact.

There's a Scene and a LINE that Spoon delivers that FOR-EVER aligns her with RIGHTEOUS CALIBRATED FORTITUDE.  As she spills out of a Local Saloon Josh berates her with his most INTIMATE Indignation >>>  he whip-scorns, "You think you're so much BETTER than the rest of us".  Hunched over in a drunken fold she lashes, "I AM BETTER".  

There IT is.  North versus South  with NO Victory even CONCEIVABLE.

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