Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Status Woe

 I got nothin' against Joe Biden, I aint got much FOR him neither.  Like trump, Joe's a Dinosaur.  Trump COULD-BE characterized as a T-Wrecks and Biden a Brontosaurus, one a Predator, the Other a pastoral Harvester, further, one Cain, the other Abel.  

Joe's gonna deliver an Inaugural Address, trump's gonna be Exited with Grand Flourish, "These two are the SAME as they issue forth".

All that's gonna be 'exchanged' is one Absurdity for An-Other.  ANY Scholar can point to the Peace and Harmony achieved by Irish Fanatics ON BOTH SIDES.  Here's what I'm sayin' to THAT   >ok<.  

Because on MY World View, I MUST impose a PRAGMATISM based upon Experiential Knowledge of the Political ABSOLUTE >> CHAOS is managed by CIVILIZED UNMITIGATED [and therefor Ruthless] SCRUTINY.  

Apparently Joe iz-gonna Romanticize his Inauguration by propaganda-cizing "Unity and Healing".  He'd better include the HOW of it, as in HOW the fuck is he gonna 'GET' republicans WHO DO NOT SHARE HIS WORLD VIEW to Compromise that the so-called UNION be advanced with a catholic (Universal) 'Trajectory' ????

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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