Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Abrams the Georgian

 I wuz Furious when the democraps surged with Victory 'wash' BEFORE  the Georgia Battle had been 'resulted'.  Stacey Abrams' 'Black Army' Resoundingly DEFEATED the Forces of Piss, Shit and Fucking Corruption to 'usher in' a JEW and a NEGRO to Be the Representative Presence of the Georgian Avant-Guarde.  Here it is where "Hannibal the Carthaginian" and "Abrams the Georgian" should be "Hallowed" by Historian Futurists and American Historiographers both NOW and FOR-EVER, such was the MAGNITUDE of Abrams' COLOSSAL Success .  Truly she has UNCHAINED Georgia and AMERICA from White, Strangle-Hold, Vituperation.  

All HAIL General Abrams .

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