Friday, January 8, 2021

Legally Fond

 Reese 'makes no bones' about her Northern Elite-Ism.  Her scorn and contempt for down-home small-time coots and indigents is ruthlessly projected by her Educated Regency.  The Locals can manage only a, "Well ain't YOU a Hoity Toity".  You can see that Reese REVELS in her Northern "Royalty" which only FURTHERS the Locals' Scorn and Contempt viewing her as TRAITOR to Southern Civilization.  Reese's depiction of Northern Supremacy is exceedingly NATURAL, upsettingly so, given her portrayal of Material Girl in her "Legally Blonde" where her characterizations are cartoonishly 'forced'.  Keep in mind, she is from Louisiana >>> There should NOT be 'anything Natural' about her efforts to project Northern Ascendancy.  THIS is why she is SO 'melt-worthy' --- she can Act.  

But I digress.   

Her Mom reprimands Reese, "I didn't want you to be like me" --- as if the Down Home Make A Simple Life is some-sort of Devastation-laden ATROCITY.   Reese was parentally Brain TATTOOED with Socio-Economic REVULSION that could be neutralized ONLY by a Salvation located in ELSEWHERE.  

But wait, there's more.....

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