Friday, January 8, 2021


 I have vented, in a somewhat profoundly Feverish Ill-Manner, that the Insurrectionists were Moronically Imbecilic.  That really WASN'T giving them their 'Just Due'.  Most of Us aging Hippie-fied Geriatrics don't Understand HOW a 'Peaceful Protest' escalated to 'Siege' Mentality >>> I mean shit, WHY storm the Capitol Building KNOWING that ULTIMATELY their efforts would be NEUTRALIZED given the TRUTH of Election Results.  CLEARLY the  'Truth'  had   NO  DIRECT  NOR  RELATIVE SIGNIFICANCE.  Their Demand was for the OVERTHROW of LIBERAL 'Truth' in order to supplant It with Redneck Radicalized Sensation >> the ONLY 'Truth' that Mattered.  

They BELIEVED the Lies-as-Truths generated by Their TRUSTED Others.  The Election was Stolen, they really DID Win and by a fucking LANDSLIDE no less.  So it was that in order to express their PATRIOTIC OBLIGATION TO UPHOLD THE TRUTH OF THE NATION there was NO Recourse save to March On and Breech the Capitol Building 'Fortifications'.  'Truth' HAD-TO-BE Defended cuz >>THAT'S<<   THE AMERICAN WAY  !!! 

I mean, you can see that rite ?

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