Friday, January 29, 2021

The Reconstruction WILL-BE Televised

 MILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of BILLIONS of jobs are within IMMEDIATE almost INTIMATE Reach.  Bridges, Dams, Dikes, Sea-Walls, Catch Basins and my personal Fav CANALS  >>>  MUST BE Repaired, Refurbished,, Replaced,,, AND Existing Transportation and Delivery Systems MUST BE Modernized with regard to Climactic >> INTRUSIONS and VIOLATIONS << in Mind.  Here it is where,

                                 "A Penny of Prevention is worth TEN TRILLION in Cure".

I LOVE quoting myself.

It's all DIRECTLY In Front of Us.  But JoeQ is "Stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime".  

Listen Kidz >   The Reconstruction IZZZZZ the Revolution.  Believe It.

Rock Steady........ Steady as She goes....

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