Thursday, January 14, 2021

'Necessary' Evil

 No steak without bovine death, no bacon without porcine slaughter.  We Kill to Live, all of Us that are carnivorous, that is.   This "Kill to Live" is Necessary Evil.  

The 'kwik slant' to  >trumpian genocide as Pandemic Persecution<  Exists as 'Necessary Evil'.  This Shit is as FOUL and VILE as ANY Human Atrocity CAN 'Be' given its True Nature as Universal ABSOLUTE.  The so-called Universal 'Round' >We are born, we die and we are once again reborn<   Exists as NATURALLY  Occurring  'Evil',    Evil because of the 'Extent' that SUFFERING is the ESSENCE of Earthly Existence.  We are Born to Die.  We are Born to Suffer.  Such is the Nature of Spiritual Corporeality.  As Bro Phlip Demers enjoined,  "Life sucks, then you die."     Sage.

It is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE to Try and Grasp that the End Times are upon Us >>> that,  DESPITE the War that Rages--- IT WILL COME TO AN END.  If there be 'Easement' it is WITHIN the Conflict itself, existing as PARADOXICAL Sublimation of both Conscious Actuality and UN-Conscious Phantasm.  This is correctly referred to as "Living the Dream".  

Know this Kidz, even though we are "Up Shit Creek"  WE HAVE PADDLES.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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