Tuesday, January 12, 2021

"Kops and Klan go hand in hand."

 You Kidz can't possible know this                      Political                     Dysentery .   It's an epithet from the Early 60's that became so INGRAINED that it was rarely uttered by Early 70's Activists who were Oriented toward the more Pop Cultural, "The Revolution will NOT be Televised".  Holy Fucking Fucking- Fuck did WE get THAT Rong. 

The "Truth" flushed out by the 'Untouchables' has exposed "What-We Already-Know" >>  that Kops OPENED THE DOORS TO NAZIS AND WHITE SUPREMACISTS,, Hence the Title.   The Execution Of George Floyd PROVED >>>BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY  DOUBT <<< that TREASONOUS Racism is the 'LIFE-BLOOD' of MANY  Kops who voted 'EN MASSE'  for trump.  These trumpian militia-men will be asked to Protect State Capitols during the Confederate MAGA SWARM.  

'Cavalry' as KILLERS ................................................................................

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