Saturday, January 23, 2021

Odin's Plastique Throne

 There are Five GIANT BIIG-ASS Boulders that are about 10 feet away from the Rear Property Line.  I've always wanted just FOUR to Represent Buddha's 'Four-Fold Noble Truths so One of those BIGG Asses had to 'git to gittin'.  I fetched the BIIIGGGEST chain in the arsenal, set an anchor choke on the Maple-that-had-bifurcated and cranked out to Tension.   Then I went indoors to rest my knee.  After half an hour I got back out, BUT the Sky that had been GLORIOUSLY Blue was now gun-metal gray.  

I'd wedged a(n) Heavy Duty Scissor Jack to break Inertia thereby initiating Movement.  I mean, it was at STRAIN but shit, I figured SIX FREAKING TONS of Straight Line PULL would ease that concrete-ized LEAD BLOB into (onto ?) a Trajectory of  Ratchet Flow.  

I cranked the Puller until I couldn't.  That meant SIX FREAKING TONS  >>>>   WASN'T ENOUGH.  The Magic Rope line and 5/8ths Chain were so TIGHT they made a guitar string Sound.  Now THAT was fucking ODD !!!!!!!!!!!!   

I sat down on Odin's Plastic Throne and Surveyed the Scene.  The Boulder was 'bound-uP' so much so that SIX FREAKING TONS OF STRAIGHT LINE PULL was fucking USELESS.   I looked HARD. Preventing Movement was BARELY four inches of set-back contact,  a tangential EDGE of FUCKING DOOM.  When I saw this after many several First Times, I figured the sheer WEIGHT of MASS would grind the Heart Crystal so that the Other could "move away sloooooooooooow".  

That four fucking inches was all I need to get fucking FUCKED.  Trust me on this, Size ISN'T Everything.

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