Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Mock in DemoKKKracy

 Last night I heard Ms. Joy Reid voice MY view that the Civil War NEVER 'Ended', [that] the South NEVER Surrendered in a Consciousness Resolution that ADMITTED Defeat and with that the Psychological Transformation of  >>Responsibility to ADAPT oneself to the Realm of NECESSARY Change << .  There was NEVER a Recognition that Slavery was IMMORAL, that treating other Humans as ANIMALS, as Beasts of Burdens, was Blaspheme-ic SAVAGERY to the Human [Civilized] Social Order.  Indeed, one Respected Pundit candidly REBUKED Those that DID consider the Civil War to be a Victory for National Anti-Slavery [Democratic] Forces.  There is UNREMITTING Persistence on the part of ALL Southern Neo-Confederates that THEIR 'Nation" is one of Consummate WHITE Superiority, that, BECAUSE they are WHITE, it is THEY who should DOMINATE the Existences of ALL OTHER COLORS and Those of an Intellectual  Refinement that Define THEIR Existence with ALL COLOR INCLUSIVENESS.  Here it is where POLITICAL Equality is the ESSENCE of a Civilization that locates Evolution as Compassion Responsive and therefore "Oneness" Driven.    

I expressed this View quite awhile ago, only because I was fully exasperated by the lack of Insight on the part of Folks who get paid to be Insightful.  The fact that I was first to express what I consider to be OBVIOUS SHIT was of little solace.  I mean, so what ?

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