Saturday, January 23, 2021

Peeve Feverish

 I sipped my Elixir of Life and Immortality while thinking I MAY need the Ambrosia of the Gods.  I wondered if I even HAD any Ambrosia of the Gods.  I fantasized that there SHOULD be an Ambrosia of the Gods micro-truck, like an ICE CREAM truck, that would visit neighborhoods to Dispense the Ambrosia of the Gods.  I had to resign myself that THAT would probably NOT be happening THIS day I mean shit, where's the Ambrosia of the Gods Micro-Mini Truck when you REALLY need it ?????  Apparently, the Universe saw Fit that I NOT get ingest-ment.

I turned my thoughts back to Rock.  I peered deeply.  I was DEFINITELY fucked.  Now I was PEEVED that I had to PEER.      I became Peeve Feverish, Feverishly Peeved.

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