Tuesday, January 19, 2021

In-laws and Out-laws and all Other Relatives

 It's not enough to have Facts presented to us, since the Capability of Assessing those Facts is what promotes Understanding.  Obviously, without that Capability, and sometimes even WITH that Capability, Understanding the Ramifications of ANY Fact 'Pattern' may still be elusive.  This 'This' is why News READERS host Guests to EXPLAIN the Patterns that Facts present ::   The so-called "Connect the [Fact] Dots" [so] that the Fact Pattern Image can be completed and therefore fully 'Grasped' by the Viewer.  

When the Media 'suggests' [that] there are 2 "Universes" what they SHOULD-BE presenting is the FACT of 2 Separate REALITIES.  Clearly there is the 'Democrat 'Reality' and a Trumpocrat 'Reality' and these 2 'Differ' DESPITE the 'Shared Commonality' of 'SAME COUNTRY' 'Territory'.  The 'CAUSE' of this Difference is "World View".  The "World View" is SUPPOSE-TO be 'origin-ed' by Childhood Exposure to Parental Actuality, i.e., THEIR "World View" be it Liberal or Conservative, Racist or Otherwise.  'World View' 'acts' like a Filtration System ::  As Outside Sensation enters it is 'Filtered' by this World View and then [it] enters Consciousness AS "Reality".

Reality, therefore, is GENERATED by one's World View.  "Reality" therefore is RELATIVE.

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