Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Let Freedom STING

 Media Combat Vets have dug-in and dug out 'Information' that Identifies TRUMP and his maelstrom militia as the Cascading Force that Commanded the SURRENDER of Capitol Hill.  It's As If these Media Vets have become "The Untouchables", Guarantors of Truth and Executors of Violent Diagnostic Liberation.  Is in not True that when Truth is Liberated Freedom-as-Justice can be Experienced as REVOLUTION ???    I say YES !

I have berated and bad-mouthed the Media with my own  brand of corrosive castigation because of their lame-ass, DESIRE-LESS, regard for Full Mind and Body EXERTION.  They are SUPPOSE-TA be OUR Eyes and Ears, recondite reconnoiters of the Shit, Piss and Fucking Corruption that IZ the Swamp Cesspool of Lies, Deceits, and Cultural War Mongering, Hate-Loving Misanthropes.  You need  BALLS for this Shit Kidz and before the Day Of Infamy these 'Balls' were crypt-dwelling in frightened Cowardice.

It's the Myth of the Gods, How the Olympians DEFEATED the Titans.

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