Saturday, January 23, 2021

Telekinetic FAIL

 The Overall BIIIG Plan Of The Future was to ROTATE the GIANT ROSE-HEART CRYSTAL so that Its Emanations could be Broadcast more Effectively.  I wanted to Symbolize that Buddha's Four-Fold Noble Truths had "Heart".  I HAD gotten Enlightenment on this Rock, I KNEW I had to apply 'Simplex' TEN TON LIFTING PRESSURE in order to raise the Rose-Heart Section to an Elevation that GUARANTEED the SPIRITUAL Visual Aesthetic.  Here's what I DIDN'T want to do :: Use the Simplex TEN TON JACKS that would GUARANTEE said SPIRITUAL Visual Aesthetic.  It's just that I'm old, so old and weak, so Weak, and those Jacks are heavy so HEAVY, and unwieldy so Unwieldy.  

I focused ALL My Telepathic Kinetic Energy and STRAINED.


I'm old, so old, and weak, so Weak.

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