Saturday, January 30, 2021

In Gaud We Trust

 When trump got elected I warned you Kidz that He would Re-Create America 'in His own Image'.  I wanted to imply that trump considered Himself SAVIOR, and further, that He was just like the Genesis God when God Created Adam and Eve in HIS Image.  'Creation' is perhaps a mis-representation---but I was skeptical that 'Trump REMOVED the Cloak of Primal Instinctuality' would be serviceable as a Sensory-based Political Observation.  Plus, it didn't 'read' well.  

Identifying trump as [mere] Cult Leader has proven to be Egregious in its short-sighted-ness.  In Ancient America the Line of Spiritual Demarcation was BRILLIANTLY Stark, one was either a GOD-FEARING Man or one was HEATHEN SCUM.  So it is NOW as the Stench of Religious Fanaticism REEKS of POLITICAL Corruption BECAUSE  the FEAR OF TRUMP AS GOD,  Pervades BOTH Congressional Chambers of HORROR.  

Politicians FEAR trump As If and As Though he is a GOD.  Thing is HE IS A GOD given that he controls the LIVES of MANY 'individuals' who represent THE WILL AND DESIRES OF HALF A NATION.  Folks BELIEVE in trump.  No 'Logic' can be identified as Rational at this ALMIGHTY Juncture, nor SHOULD it Exist. Folks RECOGNIZED themselves IN trump.  Impeaching trump is to Impeach HALF A NATION and by Impeach I mean 'making' HALF A NATION Criminally Insane.

It ain't gonna happen.

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