Thursday, January 31, 2019

...2 tents...

My greatest adversity is locating Context, a Context that can support an investigatory scaffolding or frame-work.  Writing shit that can get from Mind to Screen aint as EZ as tapping these keys.  Political Context SHOULD lend itself for Social Scrutiny but since I am a Volcano, RAGE and FURY dominate my Sublimations, so much so, that even I think that my "Stuff" is challengingly grotesque.  Magma has ONE Essence, you know what it is.

Still, I'm driven by Ambition and Desire ~~~ not good for a Zen Swordsman.  I have a Bodhisattva Idealism that fills me with "Less than" Emotionality.  Problem with that is I am also a Zen Swordsman who is possessed by Samurai Intellectual Fidelity.  Arrogance begets Contempt, of This I suffer, and I suffer GREATLY.

I have confessed of losing my Primary Point ---that's the One that keeps you CENTERED on Self.   Every morning my Meditations unleash and set free Demon Stephens who permeate THROUGH the shields and walls of Other Dimension Strata.
I WISH I could condemn them as mere "Personas", "Masks" of Ego --but I can't.  These "Stephens" get control of my Psyche and further their agenda by writing shit that is well beyond my pathetic control.  THIS is why I take NO Responsibility for my "work".  It aint "me" and IS "me" at the exact same time.

A guy complained to his "Shrink"
"Doc" he wearied, "Some times I feel like a wig-wam, sometimes I feel like a teepee"

The Doc nodded convincingly,
"THAT'S your problem---you're two tents".

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