Thursday, January 31, 2019

Steve DeSilva ~~ A-Bility-Goat

I promised the Universal Intelligence I would conduit Its Information when the Weather issued "Lock Down" MANDATORY Conformity.  ALL of Us KNOW about Promises, how you can make them KNOWING that their NON-Fulfillment is just a Cosmic Excuse away.  It's like the Promise you make in BLISTERING HEAT, I'm gonna make certain I get out the Chains, Jacks and Hoist to Move Rock this Winter.  Well, it's This Winter and the Chains, Jacks and Hoist are SECURELY lodged in NO-FUCKING-WAY.  "Promises Made" ~~ Promises Waylaid.

I've been experiencing some Near Death Anxiety.  It seems as if My Time In This Life has been shortened to way beyond Abbreviated.  It's Geriatric Senility gone Irrational, technically, "it" can't get any better.  Thing is, when I got BLUDGEONED by the Universe I also got HIT with the Exigency of URGENCY ~~  but where I figured to undergo a "Grand-Ma Moses" Creative Inundation, I experienced, in its stead, a particular HORROR of In-ability, the one where I question my own "talent", the One where Suspicion finds rancorous paralysis as ITS Homeo-Stasis.  I can't get anything OUT so not only do I have IN-Ability I don't even have OUT-Ability. 

I'm a hillbilly of A-Bility.  I'm a bility goat.

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